Knight Cancer Institute - OHSU

Databases and Links
Yeast proteome
Yeast membrane
Interaction landscape of membrane-protein complexes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Babu et al. (2012)
Yeast tap
Global landscape of protein complexes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Krogan et al. (2006)
Mouse proteome
Mouse brain
BraInMap Elucidates the Macromolecular Connectivity Landscape of Mammalian Brain. Pourhaghighi et al. (2020)
Mouse heart
Comparative Proteomics Profiling of a Phospholamban Mutant Mouse Model of Dilated Cardiomyopathy Reveals Progressive Intracellular Stress. Gramolini et al. (2008)
Mouse tissue
Global Survey of Organ and Organelle Protein Expression in Mouse: Combined Proteomic and Transcriptomic Profiling. Kislinger et al. (2006)
PubMed 16615898
E. coli proteome
Protein-Metabolite Interactions
Pathway-Scale Biophysical Mapping Reveals the Proteome–Metabolome Interaction Landscape of Escherichia coli. (Manuscript submitted)
Manuscript submitted
Membrane proteins
Global Landscape of Membrane Protein Complexes in Escherichia coli. Babu et al. (2016)
Protein Synthesis
Systematic Genetic Screens Reveal the Dynamic Global Functional Organization of the Bacterial Translation Machinery. Gagarinova et al. (2016)
Cell Envelope
Genetic interaction maps in Escherichia coli reveal functional crosstalk among cell envelope biogenesis pathways. Babu et al. (2011)
Quantitative genome-wide genetic interaction screens reveal global epistatic relationships of protein complexes in Escherichia coli. Babu et al. (2014)
Soluble proteins eNet
Global Functional Atlas of Escherichia coli Encompassing Previously Uncharacterized Proteins. Hu et al. (2009)
Human Soluble Protein Complexes
A census of human soluble protein complexes. Havugimana et al. (2012)
Metazoan complexes
Panorama of ancient metazoan macromolecular complexes. Wan et al. (2015)
Legacy websites:
1. Parallelized multidimensional analytic framework applied to mammalian cells uncovers novel regulatory principles in EMT. Paul et al. (2023) (Manuscript accepted)
PubMed: (Manuscript accepted)
BioGRID: (Pending submission)
PRIDE: PXD031071
2. Pilot Study Showing Feasibility of Phosphoproteomic Profiling of Pathway-Level Molecular Alterations in Barrett's Esophagus. Moore et al. (2022)
PubMed: 35885999
PRIDE: PXD023293
3. Scalable multiplex co-fractionation/mass spectrometry platform for accelerated protein interactome discovery. Havugimana & Goel et al. (2022)
PubMed: 35831314
BioGRID: 237074
PRIDE: PXD027704
4. Actionable Cytopathogenic Host Responses of Human Alveolar Type 2 Cells to SARS-CoV-2. Hekman et al. (2020)
PubMed: 33259812
BioGRID: 226264
PRIDE: PXD020183
5. MKRN2 Physically Interacts with GLE1 to Regulate mRNA Export and Zebrafish Retinal Development. Wolf et al. (2020)
PubMed: 32460013
BioGRID: 228628
PRIDE: PXD017541
6. BraInMap Elucidates the Macromolecular Connectivity Landscape of Mammalian Brain. Pourhaghighi et al. (2020)
PubMed: 32325033
BioGRID: 221454
PRIDE: PXD011304
7. EPIC: Software Toolkit for Elution Profile-Based Inference of Protein Complexes. Hu et al. (2019)
PubMed: 31308550
BioGRID: 216858
PRIDE: PXD011182
8. Global Landscape of Cell Envelope Protein Complexes in Escherichia coli. Babu et al. (2017)
PubMed: 29176613
BioGRID: 206197
9. Systematic Genetic Screens Reveal the Dynamic Global Functional Organization of the Bacterial Translation Machinery. Gagarinova et al. (2016)
PubMed: 27732863
BioGRID: 196074
10. Global phosphoproteomic profiling reveals perturbed signaling in a mouse model of dilated cardiomyopathy. Kuzmanov et al. (2016)
PubMed: 27742792
PRIDE: PXD004810
11. Phosphoproteomic network analysis in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus reveals new candidates in egg activation. Guo et al. (2015)
PubMed: 26227301
PRIDE: PXD002239
12. Panorama of ancient metazoan macromolecular complexes. Wan et al. (2015)
PubMed: 26344197
BioGRID: 185267
PRIDE: PXD002319 , PXD002320 , PXD002321 , PXD002322 , PXD002323 , PXD002324 , PXD002325 , PXD002326 , PXD002327 , PXD002328
13. Quantitative genome-wide genetic interaction screens reveal global epistatic relationships of protein complexes in Escherichia coli. Babu et al. (2014)
PubMed: 24586182
BioGRID: 188434
14. A census of human soluble protein complexes. Havugimana et al. (2012)
PubMed: 22939629
BioGRID: 142063
15. Interaction landscape of membrane-protein complexes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Babu et al. (2012)
PubMed: 22940862
BioGRID: 142229
16. Genetic interaction maps in Escherichia coli reveal functional crosstalk among cell envelope biogenesis pathways. Babu et al. (2011)
PubMed: 22125496
BioGRID: 188433
17. Global Functional Atlas of Escherichia coli Encompassing Previously Uncharacterized Proteins. Hu et al. (2009)
PubMed: 22125496
IntAct: 19402753